Betaine is a beneficial nutrient element for the body. It is mostly contained in plant beets and is an alkaloid. It has a very active effect on keeping the body healthy, and it also has a certain moisturizing and maintenance effect on people's skin. So what is the effect of betaine on the skin?
Anti-aging is the key effect of betaine on people's skin. Because betaine can prevent air oxidation chemicals from damaging people's skin, and can promote skin cells, it can improve the specificity of people's skin cells and keep people's skin youthful. For health conditions, often applying skin care products with betaine can slow down the rate of skin aging.
Betaine will produce a protective layer on the skin surface, and can improve the skin's ability to resist the dry natural environment. It can prevent people's skin from moisture outflowing. Skin care products with betaine are often used to keep the skin tender and white. Betaine improves tight junction integrityand contributes to the inside-outside barrier and hydration status of the skin.Tight junctions have been implicated in part to contribute in the prevention of penetration of harmful substances, such as allergens, pollutants etc. into the skin as well as in prevention of water-loss.