Betaine (Betafin) is a natural vitamin-like substance, molecular formula (CH3)3NCH2COO, molecular weight 117, non-toxic, highly hygroscopic, sweet taste, special smell, it widely exists in animals and plants and has important functions, its value has been confirmed by countless scientific research and practice. Betaine has a wide range of uses.
Betaine can be used to produce drugs and antibiotics to treat and prevent liver diseases. Betaine can be used as a food additive, which can promote the health care of the elderly and the growth of children. In the daily chemical industry, betaine is an excellent penetrant, moisturizer and sweetener due to its extremely mild nature. It can be added to shampoos, bath fluids, hair conditioners, skin care ointments and toothpastes. Exogenous application of betaine to plants or crops with poor growth conditions such as drought, high salt, high temperature and high humidity can promote their growth and increase their yield.
Another important application of betaine is as a feed additive, which is in great demand. Betaine, as a food attractant in aquaculture, has strong food attractant activity. It can stimulate and promote fish, shrimp, crab, turtle, bullfrog and other aquatic organisms to take bait, and can improve the feeding rate and reduce the bait coefficient. Betaine is the most important osmotic buffer substance in aquatic organisms, which can enhance the osmotic shock endurance of fish and shrimp and improve the survival rate. Betaine can be regarded as the endosalt of amino acids, which can partially replace methionine as the efficient methyl supplier. In chicken feed, 1 kg betaine can replace 2-3.5 kg methionine, and it has good compatibility with vitamin, and can also improve the efficacy of coccidiasis. Betaine has anti-fatty liver function, can enhance fat metabolism, reduce back fat thickness, improve meat quality and increase lean meat rate. Adding betaine in the feed can increase the feeding rate of weaned piglets and increase the weight gain rate of weaned piglets during 1-2 weeks. Betaine is a very suitable additive for pet feed because of its function of anti-fatty liver and enhancing fat metabolism.